For a variety of reasons, people often seek a long distance transportation service. Thanks to the expansion of those services in recent years, people can find the transportation that fits their needs, ranging from car services for those who do not want to drive themselves to medical services for those who need assistance during their travels.
What you need depends on the reason for hiring the service. The phrase long distance transport actually encompasses three different categories of transport: non-medical, medical and emergency transportation.
Non-Medical Long Distance Transport
For those who need transportation but do not have any mobility issues or other health-related issues, car services are a popular choice if you do not want to fly or drive. Car services can provide both short distance and long distance transportation services. An insured, professional driver handles the driving. Customers can use a “driver by the hour” service to have someone drive their own car, or can hire a service that provides both the car and driver.
These services are popular in large metropolitan areas where business people use a car service because they want to take calls or conduct work while riding into an office. For long distance travel, those who are not comfortable riding on an airplane or driving themselves can hire car service for long distance transport, including “snowbirds” traveling to Florida or Arizona during the winter months.
If you live in or near a large metropolitan area, it’s easy to find car services through an internet search. As with every type of service, it’s important to look for reviews, references, proper licensing and experience.
Can I Hire a Nurse to Fly With Me?
Non-Emergency Medical Transport
The best non-emergency medical transport companies (NEMT) provide end-to-end service for those who need assistance taking a trip that involves flying on a commercial airline. An NEMT company makes all the arrangements for the trips, working with airlines and airports ahead of time to ensure the client’s needs are met.
NEMT companies also have an experienced flight nurse who accompanies the client on their journey, starting from when they leave their home to when they arrive at their destination. They help clients navigate airport and security, and then ensure their comfort and safety during the flight. They also administer medication and have training to provide medical services at high altitudes.
People in many different situations hire NEMT companies to get long distance medical transportation services at a rate far below what emergency services require.
- Seniors who want assistance when relocating to a new home
- People with disabilities that impact their mobility
- Those with dementia issues
- Those have suffered an injury that impacts mobility
- Those injured while on vacation who need medical care for their trip back home (known as medical repatriations). NEMT provides a far less expensive air ambulance alternative.
- Older travelers who feel more comfortable making long distance trips with medical assistance
Finding NEMT services requires searching online for companies that offer all the services you need while also having nurses with years of experience in trauma care and in-flight care. The best NEMT services handle all the arrangements, no matter where you travel, and in a variety of different circumstances.
Emergency Medical Transportation Services
When it comes to long distance transportation that involves medical care, emergency medical transportation is the most well-known and also the last you want to use. Emergency services, including air ambulances, are expensive and typically only necessary for those who need immediate medical care to survive.
Emergency medical transportation is used after accidents and natural disasters. Trained paramedics travel on the flight, providing medical care to keep patients alive before arriving at a hospital. People rarely try to find emergency long distance transportation – they are reached by calling emergency phone numbers and then dispatched by local government agencies.
All three of these long distance transportation services are available, depending on your needs. For most people who need long distance medical transportation, an NEMT company is the best choice outside of the rare emergency.