What is Air Travel Assistance for Seniors?

What is Air Travel Assistance for Seniors?

What is Air Travel Assistance for Seniors? | Flight Assistance for Elderly

Under provisions of the federal Air Carrier Access Act, airlines must offer air travel assistance for seniors that includes assistance in boarding, deplaning and making connections to their next flight. It also includes some assistance during the flight, but for personal services, seniors need someone along with them on the flight such as family or a flight nurse.

Flight assistance for the elderly helps make air travel safe for seniors. While it takes a flight nurse to handle personal issues such as medication during a flight, air travel assistance for seniors offered by airlines and airports makes it much more comfortable for seniors to travel.

Can I Hire a Nurse to Fly With Me?

Examples of Travel Assistance for Seniors

Airlines and airports offer many forms of travel assistance that make air travel for seniors much easier to manage. They include:

Wheelchairs. Those with difficulty walking long distances require a wheelchair to navigate large airport terminals. As part of flight assistance for the elderly, airports offer wheelchair service from drop off to the gate.

Special screening procedures. If you are older than 75, the federal Transportation Safety Agency will make special accommodations for you when it comes to going through security. However, you may experience some delay if you have a wearable medical device or medical equipment, which must get checked separately.

Best seats. Seniors usually like to sit near the front of an airplane, where it’s easier to access the bathroom. That also shortens the trip while boarding and deplaning. Many may want seats with extra legroom, as well as the chance for early boarding that allows them to get settled on the plane before everyone else starts boarding. While it’s not always possible to get these seats, always ask when buying tickets.

Food service. If it’s a long flight, airlines may offer specialty meals that meet dietary restrictions for senior passengers.

Senior discounts. This is another issue to ask about, although senior discounts are harder to find these days.

In order to request special assistance such as a wheelchair, call the airport at least 48 hours before your flight. Most airports have staff dedicated to providing travel assistance to seniors. They will mark your itinerary with “special assistance requested,” allowing staff to prepare for your arrival.

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Personal Flight Assistance For the Elderly

While all these services offer advantages, there are some things that airports and airlines will not do. The biggest issue is with extensive personal assistance during the flight itself. While staff will give senior travelers as much assistance as they can, they are not required to focus only on an elderly passenger and must meet the needs of a plane full of people.

This extends to such issues as managing your medication during the trip and handling any in-flight medical needs.

The solution is to have a family member or close friend fly with you. If that’s not possible, a flight nurse working with a medical transport service that specializes in traveling with elderly passengers can help. They will manage medications and handle any medical issues that might arise during the trip. A Flight Coordinator handles booking travel and making all the arrangements for the trip including at the airport for flight assistance for the elderly. By offering travel assistance for seniors, airlines and airports make it much easier for the elderly to travel safely and in as much comfort as possible. The key is to contact both the airport and airline in advance to secure the special assistance you need.

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Can You Fly with a Collapsed Lung?

Can You Fly with a Collapsed Lung?

fly with collapsed lung

If you’ve experienced a collapsed lung, most likely your physician will want you to wait from one to three weeks before flying. That’s because the risk of a collapsed lung worsening increases if you are under the pressure of an airplane cabin at high altitudes.

That doesn’t mean you can never fly with a collapsed lung, however. Once a doctor has determined that enough time has passed, they will give you the green light to fly. At that point, many people feel more comfortable traveling with a medical professional such as a flight nurse who can both provide care and serve as a strong patient advocate.

As with other medical conditions, including a broken bone or head trauma, a flight nurse can provide the care you need and offer peace of mind during your flight.

What Is Pneumothorax?

The technical term for a collapsed lung is pneumothorax. It’s caused when air leaks into the space between the chest wall and the lung, pushing on the outside of the lung and making it collapse. Pneumothorax can involve a partial or a complete lung collapse.

A wide variety of issues can lead to pneumothorax. They include a blunt or penetrating chest injury or damage from underlying lung disease. Some medical procedures may also lead to a collapsed lung. 

Symptoms can include sudden chest pain and shortness of breath. In some cases, a collapsed lung can be a life-threatening event.

Treatment for a Collapsed Lung

In most cases, a collapsed lung is likely to keep you grounded for a time, at least a few weeks. Treatment for pneumothorax can differ depending on the size of the pocket of air outside the lungs and the severity of the issue.

With a smaller pneumothorax, the situation sometimes gets better on its own. A doctor may treat a patient by giving them oxygen, waiting and observing the patient, then conducting a chest x-ray to see the extent of the problem. 

A large pneumothorax that causes severe pain and breathing problems will typically require immediately removing the pocket of air, usually by inserting a chest tube through a small incision between the ribs. Air escapes from the tube. This requires hospitalization for as long as the tube stays in your chest.

When to Fly With a Collapsed Lung

As with other medical conditions, it is critical to get checked with a physician before deciding to fly with a collapsed lung. They can determine if the lung has healed sufficiently to allow you to fly. That’s because the pressure at high altitudes can cause the lung to collapse again if you have not sufficiently healed.

According to research published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health, air travel “is generally safe 2–3 weeks after successful drainage of [pneumothorax].” They added that current guidelines from the Orlando Regional Medical Center and the British Thoracic Society recommend delaying air travel for at least 14 days.

When you do decide to fly, it is helpful to travel with someone with the experience to manage medical care and handle any situation that might arise during your flight. Partnering with a flight nurse from a non-emergency medical transport company provides assurance to both the patient and their family that they will arrive safely at their destination.

Can I Hire a Nurse to Fly With Me?

How to Simplify Special Needs Air Travel

How to Simplify Special Needs Air Travel

Simplify Special Needs Air Travel

Every person with a disability has protected rights to travel in the United States and much of the Western world, including popular destinations in Europe. They can make their journey more enjoyable by taking steps to simplify special needs air travel and follow proven disabled travel tips.

The following offers some of those tips for disabled travelers that can help manage common issues that arise during air travel. In some cases, those with mobility issues or senior travelers benefit from traveling with a flight nurse who provides professional medical care during the flight (as well as handling all the travel arrangements).

Tips for Disabled Travelers

While it’s impossible to anticipate the needs of every traveler, the following tips cover some of the most common issues faced by disabled travelers.

Consult With Your Physician

Before starting the process of planning and booking a trip, it’s important to consult with your  physician. They can let you know whether you are healthy enough to make a long journey, and also provide tips of their own to address any special needs you have.

Keep Medication With You

One of the most important issues to manage – and one that can simply special needs air travel – is having a plan for carrying medicine. The first issue is to ensure you take enough medication for the entire trip, as well as get information on where you can get refills in case you lose any medication. Another important tip is to take all medications needed for the trip in a carry-on bag so you always have it with you.

Know Your Rights

As mentioned above, disabled travelers are protected by law when they travel. The U.S. government has put together an Airline Passengers With Disabilities Bill of Rights that covers the fundamental rights of air travelers under the Air Carrier Access Act. The European Union also provides information on the rights for travelers with disabilities or mobility issues. Knowing these rights can simplify special needs air travel because you will go into your journey knowing the details of how you are protected under law.

Plan Ahead

Planning is important for all travelers, but especially those with disabilities or mobility issues. That includes ensuring that all accommodations for your trip – hotels, cruise ships, tours – are compliant with laws governing access to those with disabilities. That’s not an issue in the United States, but you want to double check any foreign destinations. There’s a long list of issues to consider when planning for a trip, including choosing the right clothes, managing medications, dealing with security (especially if you have a wheelchair or medical equipment), arranging to get the most convenient seats during your flight, and transportation to and from airports, hotels and other destinations. These are areas where an RN Flight Coordinator can manage the arrangements.

Consider Getting Medical Insurance

When people think about insuring themselves for a trip, they typically are considering travel insurance that covers them for financial losses, such as if they lose baggage. However, medical insurance is a separate issue. It’s an option to consider if you want to protect yourself in case of accidents, injuries or a medical issue arising during your trip.

Provide Advance Notice to Airline

Some airlines require that travelers with special needs provide 48 hours of advance notice if they require certain types of services, equipment or accommodations. These range from hooking up respirators to the aircraft electrical power to needing a special onboard wheelchair. You may also request boarding first. It’s helpful to contact the airport or the TSA about any special considerations needed for getting through security.

Arrive Early, Check Information

Passengers with mobility issues should arrive at the airport as early as possible (an hour before the recommended arrival time, if possible) to allow the time needed to check baggage, go through security and reach the gate on time for boarding. Check all flight information before leaving home, and also once you arrive at the airport, just to ensure there has not been a change in flight time or the departing gate.

These tips can simplify special needs air travel and make your flight more enjoyable. By planning ahead and getting professional help if needed, those with disabilities and mobility issues can travel safely. 

Airplane Travel Hacks for Seniors

Airplane Travel Hacks for Seniors

Airplane Travel Hacks for Seniors

Seniors shouldn’t have to slow down just because they are older, even if they have mobility issues. Many older travelers have reached a time in life where they have both the time and money to travel. Nothing should stop them from realizing their travel dreams.

To make it easier, it’s important to know some travel hacks for seniors. They can help make the journey more enjoyable, whether they are traveling to Europe, visiting family or going through a relocation.

Travel Hacks for Seniors

These tips for older travelers apply to both domestic and foreign travel. They range from smart steps to maintaining all your medication to choosing glasses over contacts. Whether minor or major, these travel hacks for seniors are designed to do one thing: make your flight more enjoyable.

Doctors and Medications

If you’re a senior, especially if you have mobility issues or underwent a recent surgery, it’s important to visit your physician before booking a trip so they can clear you for travel. Another issue to plan for once you’re cleared is managing medications – you don’t want to miss taking them while traveling. Pack all medications in easy-to-manage carry-on bags (such as a backpack), so you always have them near you.

Carry-On Bag

People sometimes make life harder on themselves, including older travelers, by having a bulky or hard-to-manage carry-on bag. In the weeks leading up to the trip, make sure you have a carry-on bag that you are comfortable with and that is easy to carry. For many people, the best answer is a lightweight backpack. 

Call Ahead to Airline

It’s a smart move to call the airlines at least 48 hours in advance if you think you will need any of the following special considerations. They can either put you on a list or tell you how to manage the issue once you arrive at the airport.

  • Use of medical equipment on the airplane
  • Early boarding
  • A wheelchair to get through airport (they can arrange someone to meet you when you arrive)
  • A special wheelchair for use on the airplane

Contact The TSA

You also can contact the U.S. Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) to find out how to get wheelchairs and medical equipment through security, as well as information on any other special considerations a senior traveler may want (such as getting through security faster). If you don’t call ahead, you can ask a TSA agent at the airport before you get into the security lines.

What is a TSA Notification Card?

Book Early

Arrange your travel well ahead of time to get as many non-stop flights as possible, eliminating multiple boardings and deboarding during your trip. This is one of the areas where a RN flight coordinator can provide a great deal of support.

Security Line Strategy

If you want to get through security without as much hectic removing and replacing items in your pants or coat pocket, take out important items (such as keys, wallet, and smartphone) and place them in your backpack or carry-on bag.

Take Pictures of Important Items

Take pictures of your passport, vaccination records, travel itinerary, important phone numbers and other documents and information so you can quickly show a copy or find a number if needed. You can also make photocopies and keep it in your carry-on bag in case you lose power on your phone.

Drink Water

Dehydration while flying is an issue for everyone, but it can especially impact older travelers. It’s smart to hydrate before a flight and bring water to have handy while on the plane (just in case they don’t serve beverages on your flight). Make sure to make a “pit stop” in the bathroom before boarding.

What Should I Eat Before a Flight?

Pick the Right Seat 

One of the good things about growing older is that you know your own body, including how long your bladder will hold out before it’s time to find a bathroom. One simple but smart travel hack for seniors is to pick a seat on the plane (or arrange to get it ahead of time with the airline) that will fit your anticipated need to get up and go to the bathroom. That typically means a seat as close to one of the bathrooms as possible, as well as an aisle seat that makes it easier to make the trip to the bathroom. Obviously, this is a bigger issue on longer flights, but some seniors know they will need an easy path to the bathroom at least once even on a 90-minute flight.

Another bathroom-related travel hack for seniors: avoid trying to go to the bathroom after food and beverages are served. This is the most popular time for people to go. The best time is after the plane has taken off and reached the height where it levels off and food service is still 10 to 15 minutes away. 

Wear Glasses

The dry air during the flight can cause your eyes to dry out, possibly leading to your contacts irritating your eyes. If you have the option, wear glasses instead of contacts during the flight.

Of course, the most important travel hack for seniors is to enjoy yourself! By planning ahead and putting these tips into action, you can take the anxiety out of travel and spend more time relaxing.

How to Find Long Distance Transportation Services Near Me

How to Find Long Distance Transportation Services Near Me

long distance transportation near me

For a variety of reasons, people often seek a long distance transportation service. Thanks to the expansion of those services in recent years, people can find the transportation that fits their needs, ranging from car services for those who do not want to drive themselves to medical services for those who need assistance during their travels.

What you need depends on the reason for hiring the service. The phrase long distance transport actually encompasses three different categories of transport: non-medical, medical and emergency transportation.

Non-Medical Long Distance Transport

For those who need transportation but do not have any mobility issues or other health-related issues, car services are a popular choice if you do not want to fly or drive. Car services can provide both short distance and long distance transportation services. An insured, professional driver handles the driving. Customers can use a “driver by the hour” service to have someone drive their own car, or can hire a service that provides both the car and driver.

These services are popular in large metropolitan areas where business people use a car service because they want to take calls or conduct work while riding into an office. For long distance travel, those who are not comfortable riding on an airplane or driving themselves can hire car service for long distance transport, including “snowbirds” traveling to Florida or Arizona during the winter months.

If you live in or near a large metropolitan area, it’s easy to find car services through an internet search. As with every type of service, it’s important to look for reviews, references, proper licensing and experience.

Can I Hire a Nurse to Fly With Me?

Non-Emergency Medical Transport

The best non-emergency medical transport companies (NEMT) provide end-to-end service for those who need assistance taking a trip that involves flying on a commercial airline. An NEMT company makes all the arrangements for the trips, working with airlines and airports ahead of time to ensure the client’s needs are met.

NEMT companies also have an experienced flight nurse who accompanies the client on their journey, starting from when they leave their home to when they arrive at their destination. They help clients navigate airport and security, and then ensure their comfort and safety during the flight. They also administer medication and have training to provide medical services at high altitudes.

People in many different situations hire NEMT companies to get long distance medical transportation services at a rate far below what emergency services require.

  • Seniors who want assistance when relocating to a new home
  • People with disabilities that impact their mobility
  • Those with dementia issues
  • Those have suffered an injury that impacts mobility
  • Those injured while on vacation who need medical care for their trip back home (known as medical repatriations). NEMT provides a far less expensive air ambulance alternative.
  • Older travelers who feel more comfortable making long distance trips with medical assistance 

Finding NEMT services requires searching online for companies that offer all the services you need while also having nurses with years of experience in trauma care and in-flight care. The best NEMT services handle all the arrangements, no matter where you travel, and in a variety of different circumstances.

Emergency Medical Transportation Services

When it comes to long distance transportation that involves medical care, emergency medical transportation is the most well-known and also the last you want to use. Emergency services, including air ambulances, are expensive and typically only necessary for those who need immediate medical care to survive.

Emergency medical transportation is used after accidents and natural disasters. Trained paramedics travel on the flight, providing medical care to keep patients alive before arriving at a hospital. People rarely try to find emergency long distance transportation – they are reached by calling emergency phone numbers and then dispatched by local government agencies.

All three of these long distance transportation services are available, depending on your needs. For most people who need long distance medical transportation, an NEMT company is the best choice outside of the rare emergency.

Winter Air Travel Checklist

Winter Air Travel Checklist

Packing for Cold Weather Destinations

The most common theme for winter travel involves “flying south” to sunshine, warmer temperatures and (most importantly) no snow to shovel. But if your travel plans involve going north, then this winter air travel checklist can help you pack for a cold destination while also packing light.

The “packing light” part is the most difficult. Even if you limit what you take for cold weather, it still takes up more room than, say, beach wear. Much like planning ahead for the chance your flight gets canceled, you want to consider as many options as possible when packing for cold weather destinations.

Packing For Winter Air Travel

There’s no way around it: this is going to take a bit of planning. When getting ready to spend time in cold weather, it’s important to pack heavier clothes, as well as clothes you can layer and extra accessories. But you’ll want to ensure all this can fit into your check-in and carry-on bags.

What you take can depend on just how cold it is where you are going. However, almost every cold weather destination involves taking some version of the following. As with travel at any time of the year, you also want to consider buying travel insurance before taking off to a cold weather destination, especially if you’re a senior.

Heavy Winter Coat

This is where every winter air travel checklist should start. Not having the right kind of coat can make any cold weather destination miserable. If you live primarily in a warm weather spot, then a heavy winter coat might not even be in your closet. A heavy winter coat means a down jacket or parka – especially the latter if you plan on spending a great deal of time outdoors.

Sweaters and Sweatshirts

You’ll want long-sleeved shirts to wear both outside and inside. Nice sweaters are perfect for going out, while sweatshirts are practical for when you don’t need to dress up. Long-sleeved t-shirts can work inside once the heating warms you up.


Every person who lives in the north has at least one great hoodie. You’ll need one for your trip. They’re perfect for cold weather and give you something to cover your head if the wind picks up or snow begins to fall. Covering your head also keeps the warmth in your body, so if you don’t pack a hoodie, make sure you pack good hats (see below).

Winter Boots

Next to not packing a warm enough coat, footwear is the No. 1 area where people traveling to a cold weather destination make a mistake. You’ll want real boots built to withstand walking through snow or over potentially slippery terrain. Most importantly, they keep your feet warm and dry.

Denim Jeans

The modern denim jeans were invented by two guys who grew up in cold weather locations – Levi Strauss (Germany) and Jacob Davis (Latvia). They knew what they were doing. Originally made for factory workers and ranchers, the practicality of denim jeans makes them the perfect choice when packing for cold weather destinations. For those who don’t want to wear jeans, fleece-lined leggings can keep you warm.

Gloves or Mittens

Like your head, keeping your hands and feet warm retains body heat, leaving you much more comfortable. Gloves are the most practical choice, but mittens can keep your hands even warmer (which helps explain this photo featuring a cold weather veteran).

Beanies or Trapper Hats

If you’ve spent time in the north, then you’ve likely heard a mom yelling to a child, “Put your hat on!” A warm head equals a warm body. Beanies are everywhere in the north and are excellent for retaining body heat. Trapper hats are even better if you plan to spend a great deal of time outside.

Scarves and Thick Socks

Now’s the time to make sure you have plenty of thick socks. Scarves are a great (and fashionable) accessory that keeps your neck, and therefore the rest of your body, warm.

Another key to your winter air travel checklist is the idea of layering. Rather than trying to pack every article of warm clothing available, think what clothes you can use in layers. You can stay warm with a T-shirt covered by a long-sleeved shirt and a thick hoodie in many types of weather. If possible, wear some of the heavier items on the plane trip so you don’t have to pack them.

The items on this winter air travel checklist list can help you pack for a cold weather destination – and keep you warm once you get there.