Trisha Torry: Every Patient’s Advocate Interview with Bob Bacheler

Trisha Torry: Every Patient’s Advocate Interview with Bob Bacheler

Trisha Torry : Every Patient's Advocate Interview with Bob Bacheler

September 12, 2019

I’m Trisha Torrey, and since 2004 when I first became immersed in the American healthcare system, its possibilities, and its dysfunction, I have called myself Every Patient’s Advocate.

That was a long time ago!  And I’ll admit that for the 54 years of my life before then, it never occurred to me I would become an expert on helping people get the great healthcare they deserve.
But then life happened, my world came crashing down – and here I am to tell the tale. I have spent these last many years using that world-crashing experience as my impetus to help you.

Generation Bold Radio: Bob Bacheler discusses Medical Transportation

Generation Bold Radio: Bob Bacheler discusses Medical Transportation

Generation Bold Radio: Bob Bacheler discusses Medical Transportation

February 24, 2019

Host Adriane Berg and her battalion of experts bring Passion, Purpose, and Power to Successful Aging Whether you’re thirty or ninety, you can control how successfully you age… Health. Wealth. Looks. Work. Caregiving. Travel. Relationships. Home. Spirituality. Art. Grandparenting. The Fountain of Truth About Aging Talking About What Matters to You.

NASMM Welcomes New Industry Partner

NASMM Welcomes New Industry Partner

NASMM Welcomes New Industry Partner

July 20, 2018

After last week’s robust discussion about assisting clients with transportation, NASMM is pleased to welcome our new Industry Partner, Flying Angels! Flying Angels provides non-emergency medical transport anywhere in the US, or the world, on commercial airlines such as Delta, America, Lufthansa, etc. Patients fly in First or Business class with a Flight Nurse or physician accompanying them. Flying Angels assists seniors with minimal needs, to patients with mobility impairment, oxygen dependency, cognitive impairment, or more serious medical conditions. Flying Angels handles all of the details, bedside to bedside.