Caring for Our Seniors: Empowering Families in Medical Transport

Caring for Our Seniors: Empowering Families in Medical Transport

senior care

Change is a constant, even as people reach the golden years of life. Caring for our seniors often falls to family members who may feel overwhelmed by the amount of time and attention it takes to manage all the details of their elderly family members’ lives. This includes the need for medical transport.

While the term non-emergency medical transport (NEMT) may not sound exciting, it’s a significant help in empowering families to better handle the needs of their loved ones as they navigate the challenges that come with aging. NEMT supports families in all areas of senior transportation, ranging from visits to medical professionals involving ground transportation or commercial airline flights to senior relocation services.

In all cases, safe and reliable transportation is a fundamental requirement, as is having experienced medical professionals on hand to manage medical services and provide care when and if needed.

The Importance of Medical Transport in Caring for Our Seniors

Transportation challenges can pose significant barriers to seniors, affecting their ability to access healthcare services. This issue is especially prevalent for those with chronic medical conditions or illnesses that impact mobility. That’s an important issue, as 19 million Americans report having some level of mobility problems, and 32% of those say those challenges started after the age of 50.

One key element of empowering families in medical transport is to provide them with the necessary education and resources. Many families may not be aware of the various options available to them or may feel overwhelmed by the intricacies of arranging medical transportation.

NEMT Provides Solutions for Senior Who Must Travel

Non-emergency medical transport plays a pivotal role in addressing the specific needs of seniors requiring assistance during travel. These services provide trained professionals who understand the challenges associated with age-related conditions. NEMT can help families who are caring for seniors in a variety of ways.

An RN flight coordinator makes all the arrangements for a trip, a significant benefit for families who are not used to making flight arrangements for someone with mobility issues. Flight coordinators make use of their connections with both airlines and airports, ensuring that all arrangements are made in advance to accommodate seniors, such as getting through security and getting the best seat on an airline early.

A flight nurse then travels with the patient from the moment they are picked up until they arrive at their destination. At Flying Angels, nurses travel to the patient’s home to pick them up, using a customized reclining wheelchair to carry them from their home and into a wheelchair van. At the airport they ride through until they get to the aircraft where they are transferred to a first-class seat, often using a customized transfer sling. 

Services During Medical Transports

When flying on a commercial flight with a flight nurse, patients have the peace of mind of knowing that they are with an experienced nurse. At Flying Angels, for example, flight nurses not only have experience in providing emergency care but also have been trained specifically in providing medical care at high altitudes.

They also provide a pre-flight medical assessment so they can provide the highest level of care during the flight. They monitor the patient’s vital signs and overall condition during the flight, addressing any immediate medical concerns or responding to changes in the patient’s health status. They also collaborate with the airline staff to ensure a smooth and coordinated travel experience.

The dedication and expertise of flight nurses contribute to the safe and comfortable transportation of those who otherwise could not fly on their own. They are key to the NEMT services that allow families to better care for their seniors during medical transport.

Navigating Coordinated Care: A Guide for Families

Navigating Coordinated Care: A Guide for Families

medical transport

Families often grapple with a host of challenges when coordinating care for their loved ones. Navigating the intricate web of medical professionals, treatments and support services is overwhelming. But with a thoughtful approach, families can ensure that their loved ones receive the comprehensive and well-coordinated care they deserve.

Coordinated care is a patient-centered approach that involves healthcare providers, specialists and support services working with patients and their families. The goal is to enhance quality of care, improving communication and coordination among all parties. For families navigating the healthcare system, understanding the key components of coordinated care is crucial.

The federal government defines care coordination as “any activity that helps ensure that the patient’s needs and preferences for health services and information sharing across people, functions, and sites are met over time.” That included safe, efficient non-emergency medical transport, including having to travel by commercial airline.

An Overview of Coordinated Care

One of the first steps in navigating coordinated care is to build a strong support network. This network can include family members, friends and community resources. Establish open lines of communication and ensure that everyone involved is on the same page regarding the patient’s needs, preferences and goals. This support network will serve as a foundation for effective coordination.

Primary care providers (PCP) play a pivotal role in coordinated care. They serve as the central point of contact for the patient and oversee the overall management of health. Establish a strong relationship with the PCP and ensure they are aware of all specialists and services involved in the patient’s care. Regular communication with the PCP helps in maintaining a holistic view of the patient’s health and streamlining coordination efforts.

Maintaining a comprehensive and up-to-date medical history is essential for coordinated care. Compile a detailed record of the patient’s medical conditions, medications, allergies, and past treatments. This information becomes a valuable resource for healthcare providers, ensuring that they have a clear understanding of the patient’s health status and can make informed decisions.

Communication breakdowns are a common challenge in healthcare. Families can play a crucial role in facilitating effective communication among healthcare providers. Encourage providers to share information and collaborate on the patient’s care plan. Additionally, keep a list of emergency contacts and ensure that all relevant parties are aware of it. This proactive approach can prevent delays in critical situations.

Advocacy for the Patient

Acting as an advocate for the patient is a vital role for family members. Be actively involved in care discussions, ask questions, and seek clarification when needed. Ensure that the patient’s voice is heard, and their preferences are considered in the decision-making process. By actively participating in the care process, families contribute to a patient-centered approach and reinforce the importance of coordinated care.

In this advocacy role, the guidance and resources provided by the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) can be invaluable. As experts in elder care, ALCA’s holistic, client-centered approach aligns perfectly with the needs of families navigating coordinated care. Flying Angels, an ACLA Bronze Partner since January 2019, is an example of a service that meets ALCA’s high standards for medical care. Their partnership with ALCA reinforces their commitment to providing quality care, particularly in non-emergency medical transport situations.

Non-Emergency Medical Transport and Coordinated Care

An important facet of coordinated care is medical transport, typically involving bringing patients to and from medical appointments. Non-emergency medical transport companies such as Flying Angels also offer patients the ability to travel with an experienced flight nurse when their journey requires flying on a commercial airline.

It’s a service that can benefit people in many different situations. They include those who need to fly for medical treatment somewhere too far to drive, those who need assistance when flying because of injury or chronic conditions, and seniors relocating to new areas. 

Navigating coordinated care can be a challenging journey, but with a proactive and informed approach, families can ensure that their loved ones receive the best possible care. Building a strong support network, communicating effectively among providers, partnering with a trained and experienced medical transport company, and advocating for the patient are key strategies in achieving seamless and comprehensive coordinated care. 

By embracing these principles, families can navigate the complexities of the healthcare system with confidence and empower their loved ones to lead healthier lives.

Success Stories: Real-Life Cases of Flying Angels in Action

Success Stories: Real-Life Cases of Flying Angels in Action

Success Stories

Flying Angels provides its clients with flight nurses and flight coordinators who rank among the best in the non-emergency medical transport (NEMT) industry. They understand how to provide clients with the safety, security and peace of mind of having expert medical care and travel support.

People can benefit from the many different services provided by Flying Angels, including long distance medical transport on commercial airlines, hospital discharge transportation, and senior relocation services. Flying Angels specializes in the expert medical care and flight coordination that make every journey safe and much less stressful.

What Is NEMT?

The NEMT services provided by Flying Angels involve flight coordinators who make all the arrangements for the journey and a flight nurse who accompanies clients on the flight. They plan ahead with commercial airlines and airports, making any arrangements needed to clear obstacles patients might encounter during their trip.

People in a wide variety of situations use NEMT services. They include the following.

  • People who recently suffered an injury and want assistance while flying
  • Those who have had a medical procedure and require medical support during travel
  • Those with a chronic condition or illness that makes traveling alone difficult
  • Families who want a nurse to travel with older family members when they relocate to a new home

A flight nurse provides care during the journey and offers clients and their families the security of having a trained nurse as a flight companion. 

Examples of Flying Angels in Action

The following offers a synopsis of several success stories involving Flying Angels providing NEMT services. You can read more details about each case on this page of case examples.

Caitlin and Emma

Caitlin had been assisting her mother, Emma, in relocating from her condo in a Florida retirement community to an assisted living facility near Ithaca, New York. The move brought Emma, 82, closer to her daughter and grandchildren. Emma manages well on her own, although with diabetes and some mild dementia she now can no longer live alone.

While Caitlin managed all the logistical aspects of the move, she recognized the need for assistance during the flight with Emma. That’s when she reached out to Flying Angels. The flight coordinator took charge of all the arrangements, from booking the flights to finalizing the plans. A flight nurse accompanied Caitlin and Emma on their trip on a commercial airline. 

The flight nurse meticulously tracked Emma’s insulin supply, which she required every four hours, and kept a close watch on her blood sugar levels. Emma eventually slept during the flight, which landed only a few minutes behind schedule. At the airport, Caitlin’s husband and Emma’s twin grandchildren greeted them. Caitlin took comfort that experts at Flying Angels handled the flight, giving her one less thing to worry about.


After a tragic car accident, Rose lost the ability to move, becoming a quadriplegic before she ever learned to drive. However, with the support of Flying Angels, Rose can fly. She recently flew from a hospital in Kansas to a rehabilitation hospital in Colorado. Her caseworker called in Flying Angels to take care of the trip, taking the burden off of Rose’s parents.

Kim, the flight nurse, traveled with Rose, starting with picking her up in a wheelchair van, transporting her to the airport, and working with airline staff to get Rose comfortably on the plane. Kim monitored Rose’s vital signs throughout the journey and moved her every quarter of an hour. She also fed Rose her meals and ensured she drank enough fluids. She arrived safely, and her parents hope the rehabilitation therapy will improve her life.


Carl required Flying Angels’ services after he suffered a heart attack while biking through the Pyrenees in Spain with a group of college friends. His friends got him to a cafe where they could call an ambulance. Eventually, his doctor back in the United States recommended a clinic in Cleveland for him to go to for rehabilitation. The clinic recommended he get transported by Flying Angels.

As with every case, the flight coordinator took over, managing all the arrangements to get Carl back to the U.S. from Spain. Flight coordinators are also experienced in handling last-minute complications. In the case of Carl, it required getting a new connecting flight after the first flight was diverted due to lightning. Flying Angels got Carl to Cleveland a little late, but well in time to start the road toward recovery.

These success stories, just three of thousands, provide examples of how Flying Angels helps its clients every day. They provide world-class NEMT services that provide people with the medical care and travel support they need to ensure a worry-free medical transport experience.

Non-Emergency Medical Transport: Beyond Air Ambulances

Non-Emergency Medical Transport: Beyond Air Ambulances

NEMT Services

Many people associate the idea of medical transport with air ambulances. Air ambulances transport people who have suffered injuries to hospitals for urgent medical care. But another type of medical transport is used much more frequently: non-emergency medical transport (NEMT).

NEMT has increased in popularity as more people learn the benefits of traveling with experienced medical professionals on commercial flights. From air travel assistance for seniors to bringing people back to the United States after suffering an injury or medical event abroad, medical escort services provide medical support and travel coordination for those who have difficulty traveling alone.

Many people might remain unaware that NEMT is a service available to them at far less cost than an air ambulance. Alternative medical transport options offer a cost-effective, comfortable and personalized option compared to air ambulance services.

Differences Between Air Ambulance and NEMT

When it comes to medical transportation, patients have a range of options. These options vary based on factors such as the urgency of the situation and the patient’s medical condition and travel distance. Air ambulances and NEMT both involve flying for medical transportation, but they serve different purposes.

Air Ambulance

Air ambulances are primarily used in emergency situations, often employing helicopters. They typically transport patients to trauma centers or intensive care units. Common scenarios for air ambulance use include accidents or natural disasters, where helicopters quickly transport patients in need of immediate medical attention. For longer distances, planes may be used.

Regardless of the aircraft type, air ambulances are equipped with emergency medical equipment to handle any in-flight emergencies. They also are expensive, with bills for air ambulances running well into the five figures.

Non-Emergency Medical Transport (NEMT)

Alternative medical transport, as provided by services like Flying Angels, provides medical transportation under non-emergency circumstances. Depending on the situation, ground transportation or commercial airline flights are used, or sometimes both.

NEMT services make use of both domestic and international airlines to make travel arrangements. With Flying Angels, each patient is assigned a flight coordinator who manages all travel plans, including booking flights and organizing any necessary ground transportation. Additionally, a flight nurse is assigned to accompany the patient throughout the entire journey, ensuring they have any required medical devices or medications and are equipped to handle potential medical emergencies.

Reasons To Use Medical Escort Services Rather Than Air Ambulances

People should know the difference so they can choose the service that most meets their needs. In short, unless it’s an emergency, non-emergency medical transport is the way to go. NEMT services are more cost-effective compared to air ambulance services. NEMT services such as Flying Angels also have the capability to arrange both domestic and international travel.

One of the significant advantages of NEMT services is the presence of a dedicated flight nurse. This nurse is trained to manage medical emergencies and equipped to provide any necessary care during the flight. They also ensure the patient has all required medical devices and medications.

The flight nurse in NEMT services stays with the patient throughout the entire journey, from departure to arrival. This continuous care is reassuring for both the patient and their family, providing a sense of security and peace of mind.

As the need for medical transportation that doesn’t necessitate air ambulance services has increased, so has the popularity of NEMT. It provides patients and their families with a more cost-effective option for medical transportation. Various situations call for the use of NEMT, and services like Flying Angels have simplified the process of arranging medical transportation for those in need.

Easing the Journey: How Families Find Support in NEMT

Easing the Journey: How Families Find Support in NEMT

NEMT supports families

For patients, traveling with a flight nurse who works with a non-emergency transport company can make their journey much less stressful. However, it also offers huge benefits for families, taking the stress of travel arrangements off their hands and giving them the peace of mind in knowing their loved ones are not traveling alone.

NEMT supports families by taking on many of the tasks that can make medical transport stressful, whether it’s a trip home after a hospital discharge or a long-distance journey that requires the presence of a flight nurse. 

Navigating healthcare is a complex and challenging task even when in perfect health. It’s even more difficult for the elderly, the injured or those with chronic conditions that impede mobility. For both patients and their families, NEMT provides a consistent, reliable service.

Ways NEMT Supports Families, Patients

NEMT has emerged as a lifeline for patients facing mobility challenges and their families. The medical transport services offered by NEMT companies make a significant impact on the lives of families, offering them the support and assurance they need.

Reliability and Accessibility

One of the primary advantages of NEMT is its reliability. Traditional transportation options can be unreliable, causing stress and anxiety for both caregivers and patients. NEMT services are specifically designed to cater to individuals who face challenges when traveling alone, providing experienced nurses who accompany clients on their journey. This reliability gives families peace of mind, knowing that their loved ones will reach their destinations safely.

Specialized Care and Assistance

NEMT supports families and patients in areas beyond just transportation. They often offer specialized care and assistance tailored to the unique needs of their passengers. Trained flight nurses understand the challenges that individuals with disabilities or elderly family members may face during transit. They are equipped to provide necessary support, such as helping with navigating the airport, working with airlines and airports to make any special arrangements, and helping passengers board and find the best possible seat on the plane. These services provide clients comfort and security during the journey, greatly reducing the stress for both clients and their families.


Traditional transportation options, especially in cases of medical emergencies, can be financially burdensome. NEMT services offer a cost-effective solution, eliminating the need for expensive ambulance services for non-emergency situations. 

Ground Transportation

NEMT services also include ground transportation to and from the airport. In the case of Flying Angels, a wheelchair van is used to transport patients, or a professional car service for those with minimal mobility issues. In most cases, RNs transport patients in customized reclining wheelchairs, which allow RNs to transfer patients from their bedside to the reclining wheelchair, then load them directly into a wheelchair van and to the airport. At the airport they ride through until they get to the aircraft where they are transferred to a first-class seat, often using a customized transfer slings. The use of these reclining wheelchairs is one of the services that sets Flying Angels apart from other NEMT companies.

Flexibility in Scheduling

NEMT services are designed to accommodate the unique scheduling needs of families. For those traveling long-distance, even to international locations, NEMT professionals can book all the arrangements in addition to providing support and care during the journey.

NEMT has emerged as a crucial support system for families facing the challenges of providing care to individuals with special needs or elderly relatives. By easing the burden of transportation logistics, NEMT empowers families to focus on what truly matters – the health and well-being of their loved ones.