Understanding the Benefits of NEMT for Relocating Aging Parents

Understanding the Benefits of NEMT for Relocating Aging Parents

relocating aging parents

Moves can prove stressful at any age. But when relocating aging parents, both the parent and their adult children tend to experience higher levels of stress than others, especially if the parents are leaving a home where they have lived for many years.

That stress may increase if a move requires traveling on commercial flights. That not only involves getting the right seats and staying comfortable during the flight, but also making travel arrangements and handling issues such as getting through security with medications and medical equipment.

Having a plan to follow for a senior relocation can help smooth out some of the anxieties seniors feel around a relocation. It’s also helpful to know beforehand all the services that can help a move go much more smoothly.

One of the best ways to help a senior relocation move more smoothly is to use Non-Emergency Medical Transport (NEMT) services. 

Services Provided By NEMT Companies

NEMT services involve an experienced flight nurse both traveling with seniors and also arranging all the accommodations for a trip. Services break down into four main areas.

  • Booking the trip. An RN flight coordinator handles booking all the commercial flights and ground transportation needed for the trip.
  • Working with airlines and airports. NEMT nurses have experience working with airports and airlines around the world, making advance arrangements for special needs, including help getting through security or boarding early. 
  • Care during the flight. Nurses travel with seniors throughout their journey, managing all medications and medical equipment. They also provide in-flight care if it becomes necessary.
  • After-flight care. Nurses ensure that seniors arrive safely at their final destination.

Securing NEMT services is as simple as contacting an NEMT company and speaking with an RN flight coordinator. They have the expertise to plan a trip no matter where relocating aging parents are moving. That includes both domestic and international destinations.

Benefits of NEMT Flight Care for Relocating Aging Parents

NEMT services provide significant benefits to seniors and those who are managing their relocation to a new home that requires commercial airline travel.

Perhaps most importantly, NEMT services can provide safe and reliable transportation for seniors who are relocating. They also reduce the stress of a senior relocation by providing a reliable and comfortable means of transportation, allowing seniors to focus on the excitement of their new home.

NEMT services also provide seniors with personalized care that meets their unique needs. RN flight nurses can help seniors with mobility issues and provide assistance with any medical equipment or supplies needed during their journey. They also are up-to-date on any airline regulations on flying with medical equipment and medications, ensuring that seniors arrive at their new home safely and on time. 

When relocating aging parents becomes necessary and involves flying on commercial flights, it’s good to partner with professionals who know the best practices to ensure parents make the trip safely. NEMT services are an important factor in making a long-distance move successful.

Find Medical Jets Ambulance Services for Non-emergency Travel

Find Medical Jets Ambulance Services for Non-emergency Travel

medical jet ambulance services

People seek medical jet ambulance services for non-emergency travel for a variety of reasons. They include seniors relocating to a new home, those who suffer from disabilities and injuries that make it difficult to fly alone, and people injured while on vacation who need a healthcare professional to travel with them on the journey home.

Finding medical jet ambulance services is not difficult, but only if you know what to look for in non-emergency medical transport (NEMT). The best NEMT companies offer affordable rates, the ability to book your trip for you, and experienced flight nurses who travel with you to your final destination.

What Are Medical Jet Ambulance Services?

Non-emergency medical transport and medical jet ambulance services provide an alternative for those who want medical support during a trip but are not in an emergency situation. In most cases, the cost between the two is significant. For example, those in another country who have an accident will pay a fraction of the cost to contact an NEMT company for transportation home than they would for emergency services.

With NEMT, an RN flight coordinator books all the travel for you through commercial airlines, ensuring that you have non-stop flights as often as possible and easy connections when a plane change is necessary. They also will book ground transport to and from both departure and destination airports.

Flight nurses travel with you, managing all aspects of healthcare during the journey. That includes managing any medical equipment (including getting it safely through security), securing the best seats on the flight and overseeing administration and storage of medications. 

Who Needs Medical Jet Ambulance Services?

Medical jet ambulance services provide peace of mind for those who need help traveling long distances. Many different situations can lead to working with an NEMT company. Situations that could involve medical transport include:

  • Seniors who want assistance when relocating to a new home
  • Traveling to see a specialist in another city
  • Those with dementia issues
  • Those have suffered an injury that impacts mobility
  • People with disabilities or chronic medical condition that makes it difficult to navigate an airport on their own
  • Someone who has experienced a medical emergency in another country and is trying to get home
  • Seniors who feel more comfortable making long distance trips with medical assistance 

What to Look For in Medical Jet Ambulance Services

The first issue is to ensure that the flight nurses working for an NEMT company have experience in providing medical care in trauma situations, such as a hospital emergency room. They also should have training in providing medical care at high altitudes.

The best NEMT companies provide end-to-end service, working with commercial airlines and airports to ensure that your trip goes smoothly. They make all the arrangements for the trip and work with you on what to bring for the journey and also guide you through the airport, including security.

It’s also best to find an NEMT with years of experience and the ability to handle travel to both domestic and international destinations. 

Medical jet ambulance services offer the security of knowing you are in the hands of medical professionals throughout your trip on a commercial airline. No matter what reason you need NEMT services, they can ensure those needs are met. 

What is Air Travel Assistance for Seniors?

What is Air Travel Assistance for Seniors?

What is Air Travel Assistance for Seniors? | Flight Assistance for Elderly

Under provisions of the federal Air Carrier Access Act, airlines must offer air travel assistance for seniors that includes assistance in boarding, deplaning and making connections to their next flight. It also includes some assistance during the flight, but for personal services, seniors need someone along with them on the flight such as family or a flight nurse.

Flight assistance for the elderly helps make air travel safe for seniors. While it takes a flight nurse to handle personal issues such as medication during a flight, air travel assistance for seniors offered by airlines and airports makes it much more comfortable for seniors to travel.

Can I Hire a Nurse to Fly With Me?

Examples of Travel Assistance for Seniors

Airlines and airports offer many forms of travel assistance that make air travel for seniors much easier to manage. They include:

Wheelchairs. Those with difficulty walking long distances require a wheelchair to navigate large airport terminals. As part of flight assistance for the elderly, airports offer wheelchair service from drop off to the gate.

Special screening procedures. If you are older than 75, the federal Transportation Safety Agency will make special accommodations for you when it comes to going through security. However, you may experience some delay if you have a wearable medical device or medical equipment, which must get checked separately.

Best seats. Seniors usually like to sit near the front of an airplane, where it’s easier to access the bathroom. That also shortens the trip while boarding and deplaning. Many may want seats with extra legroom, as well as the chance for early boarding that allows them to get settled on the plane before everyone else starts boarding. While it’s not always possible to get these seats, always ask when buying tickets.

Food service. If it’s a long flight, airlines may offer specialty meals that meet dietary restrictions for senior passengers.

Senior discounts. This is another issue to ask about, although senior discounts are harder to find these days.

In order to request special assistance such as a wheelchair, call the airport at least 48 hours before your flight. Most airports have staff dedicated to providing travel assistance to seniors. They will mark your itinerary with “special assistance requested,” allowing staff to prepare for your arrival.

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Personal Flight Assistance For the Elderly

While all these services offer advantages, there are some things that airports and airlines will not do. The biggest issue is with extensive personal assistance during the flight itself. While staff will give senior travelers as much assistance as they can, they are not required to focus only on an elderly passenger and must meet the needs of a plane full of people.

This extends to such issues as managing your medication during the trip and handling any in-flight medical needs.

The solution is to have a family member or close friend fly with you. If that’s not possible, a flight nurse working with a medical transport service that specializes in traveling with elderly passengers can help. They will manage medications and handle any medical issues that might arise during the trip. A Flight Coordinator handles booking travel and making all the arrangements for the trip including at the airport for flight assistance for the elderly. By offering travel assistance for seniors, airlines and airports make it much easier for the elderly to travel safely and in as much comfort as possible. The key is to contact both the airport and airline in advance to secure the special assistance you need.

How to Relocate Your Parents

Can You Fly with a Collapsed Lung?

Can You Fly with a Collapsed Lung?

fly with collapsed lung

If you’ve experienced a collapsed lung, most likely your physician will want you to wait from one to three weeks before flying. That’s because the risk of a collapsed lung worsening increases if you are under the pressure of an airplane cabin at high altitudes.

That doesn’t mean you can never fly with a collapsed lung, however. Once a doctor has determined that enough time has passed, they will give you the green light to fly. At that point, many people feel more comfortable traveling with a medical professional such as a flight nurse who can both provide care and serve as a strong patient advocate.

As with other medical conditions, including a broken bone or head trauma, a flight nurse can provide the care you need and offer peace of mind during your flight.

What Is Pneumothorax?

The technical term for a collapsed lung is pneumothorax. It’s caused when air leaks into the space between the chest wall and the lung, pushing on the outside of the lung and making it collapse. Pneumothorax can involve a partial or a complete lung collapse.

A wide variety of issues can lead to pneumothorax. They include a blunt or penetrating chest injury or damage from underlying lung disease. Some medical procedures may also lead to a collapsed lung. 

Symptoms can include sudden chest pain and shortness of breath. In some cases, a collapsed lung can be a life-threatening event.

Treatment for a Collapsed Lung

In most cases, a collapsed lung is likely to keep you grounded for a time, at least a few weeks. Treatment for pneumothorax can differ depending on the size of the pocket of air outside the lungs and the severity of the issue.

With a smaller pneumothorax, the situation sometimes gets better on its own. A doctor may treat a patient by giving them oxygen, waiting and observing the patient, then conducting a chest x-ray to see the extent of the problem. 

A large pneumothorax that causes severe pain and breathing problems will typically require immediately removing the pocket of air, usually by inserting a chest tube through a small incision between the ribs. Air escapes from the tube. This requires hospitalization for as long as the tube stays in your chest.

When to Fly With a Collapsed Lung

As with other medical conditions, it is critical to get checked with a physician before deciding to fly with a collapsed lung. They can determine if the lung has healed sufficiently to allow you to fly. That’s because the pressure at high altitudes can cause the lung to collapse again if you have not sufficiently healed.

According to research published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health, air travel “is generally safe 2–3 weeks after successful drainage of [pneumothorax].” They added that current guidelines from the Orlando Regional Medical Center and the British Thoracic Society recommend delaying air travel for at least 14 days.

When you do decide to fly, it is helpful to travel with someone with the experience to manage medical care and handle any situation that might arise during your flight. Partnering with a flight nurse from a non-emergency medical transport company provides assurance to both the patient and their family that they will arrive safely at their destination.

Can I Hire a Nurse to Fly With Me?