Situations That Require Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)

Situations That Require Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)

Life eventually throws everyone a curveball. Medical conditions and accidents, by their very nature, often happen when you least expect them. That’s why Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) has become so important over the years. Where once people felt trapped without any way of handling transportation needs, they now have support from businesses such as Flying Angels.

How Can NEMT Help Me?

There are many ways that NEMT can help a person. The following represent some of those ways.

Moving Parents

This has become one of the biggest areas of concern as the population in the United States ages. As parents get older, issues surrounding their care can change. If they have challenges with dementia, it’s often important for family members to move them closer. That requires complex travel arrangements that are often best handled by professionals. A professional NEMT company also can provide a Flight Nurse to travel with the parent, ensuring they are safe during the flight and have any medications they need.

Health Services

A big fear for many is that they will develop a medical condition that requires treatment far from where they live. This could include issues such as treatment at the best cancer facilities. Traveling to and from those destinations is simply not possible for many without a NEMT service provider. They can serve all their needs in both arranging flights and traveling with the patient.

Top 10 Hospitals in the U.S.


Children with chronic medical conditions or injuries often need to be transported long distances for treatment or rehabilitation services. Transportation can be arranged literally from the home where the child lives to the medical facility and back again.

Again, a Flight Nurse can handle any medical emergency that may arise. They also work with airline personnel to ensure the child gets a comfortable seat (typically first class or business class) and carry any medication the child might need. They also manage any special needs of the child, such as moving them if they are otherwise immobile.

Flight Nurse Duties On A Commercial Airline

Injuries Away From Home

Sometimes, people have medical incidents while away on a trip. Once they are treated, the issue then becomes getting them safely back home or to a medical facility back in the United States. A service such as Flying Angels has years of experience in doing just this kind of thing. While in all cases providing medical care is the priority, a Flight Nurse also proves invaluable with flight arrangements. Problems often arise with flight schedules, particularly with international travel. A professional used to dealing with these issues is a huge benefit.

What Does Flying Angels Do?

These represent some of the ways that NEMT can support those who face tough situations caused by medical conditions or injuries. If such a situation arises for you, don’t hesitate to look into your options using a service such as Flying Angels.

Medical Transportation Options Explained

Customized Care Plans for Patients Requiring Specialized Transport

Customized Care Plans for Patients Requiring Specialized Transport

Customized Care Plans

Patients requiring specialized transport represent a unique and often vulnerable population. They often must deal with complex medical conditions that demand careful consideration during transportation, whether they are being moved from a hospital to a long-term care facility, or to their home. 

The key to ensuring a safe, effective journey for these patients is the development of customized care plans tailored to their unique medical needs. Non-emergency medical transport (NEMT) increasingly plays a vital role for hospitals and patients as they develop these customized care plans. The specialized transport offered by a quality NEMT company plays a crucial role for patients who face mobility challenges, chronic illnesses, or other conditions that prevent them from using conventional transportation options.

Incorporating medical transport into a customized care plan, including having an experienced nurse travel with the patient, ensures that patients receive appropriate medical attention and care throughout their journey.

Developing a Customized Care Plan for Patients

Customized care plans that use specialized transport are designed to address the unique challenges posed by a patient’s condition. These plans not only focus on medical services during the trip but also prioritize the safety, comfort and emotional well-being of the patient. Studies have shown that customized care in all phases of healthcare can improve patient outcomes. 

Transportation plans, typically created in collaboration between patients and healthcare professionals, start with an in-depth pre-transport assessment. This evaluation involves a comprehensive review of the patient’s medical history, current health status, and specific risks associated with their condition. A multidisciplinary team — often includes physicians, nurses, transport coordinators, and specialists — work together to assess the patient’s needs.

Key components of a customized care plan include the level of medical care the patient requires during transport, safety protocols, emotional support, and post-transport care. 

The Importance of NEMT in Specialized Transport for Patients

Customized care plans are a crucial component for patients who require specialized transport. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are increasingly looking to non-emergency medical transportation companies to provide safe, secure, and efficient transportation of patients.

Service benefits include:

Experienced nurses. Experienced nurses travel with the patients when they are transported using NEMT services. This applies to both ground transportation and specialized transport that necessitates flying on a commercial airline. For example, Flying Angels’ RN Flight Coordinators book all flights and work with airports and airlines for any specialized services needed. A nurse travels with the patient from start to finish of their journey whether it’s by ground or air.

Tailored support for patients. A customized care plan takes into account the patient’s unique medical and mobility needs. NEMT services are staffed by trained personnel who can assist with patient transfers, ensure proper seating, and monitor the patient’s condition during the journey. This tailored support helps minimize the stress and discomfort that can come with travel for patients with physical or medical limitations.

Reducing the risk of medical complications. While patients using NEMT are not in an emergency situation, many still face potential medical risks during transport. For instance, patients with respiratory conditions may require supplemental oxygen, or those with cardiovascular conditions may need close monitoring to avoid complications. Customized care plans that integrate NEMT ensure a nurse is present to address any issues that may arise during transport.

Cost-effective solution for non-emergency cases. NEMT offers a cost-effective solution to emergency medical transport (such as air ambulances), which can be significantly more expensive. For patients who do not require immediate emergency care but still need medical supervision during transport, NEMT provides a balanced alternative.

Emotional support. Getting transported from one healthcare facility to another, or getting discharged from a hospital to their home, can be anxiety-inducing for patients, especially those with chronic conditions or limited mobility. NEMT services provide personalized attention and care, which helps alleviate stress and provides patients peace of mind. NEMT helps bridge the gap between conventional transportation options and emergency medical services for hospitals, creating customized care plans for patients who require specialized transport. Its role in reducing medical complications, supporting long-distance travel, and prioritizing patient comfort serves as an essential resource for patients with unique medical and mobility needs.

Benefits of Non-Emergency Travel Companions

Benefits of Non-Emergency Travel Companions

Benefits of non-Emergency Travel CompanionsApril 12, 2024 Bob Bacheler is the owner and managing director of Flying Angels, Inc. based out of Philadelphia, PA where he manages a team of medical escorts comprised of highly skilled nurses and doctors. In addition to...
Collaborating with NEMT Providers: Enhancing Post-Discharge Outcomes

Collaborating with NEMT Providers: Enhancing Post-Discharge Outcomes

hospital discharge planning

In modern healthcare, the focus is increasingly shifting towards holistic patient care that extends beyond hospital walls. One critical aspect is hospital discharge planning. This phase is pivotal in ensuring patients transition smoothly back to their homes or care facilities, minimizing the risk of readmissions and improving overall health outcomes. 

One vital player in this process is non-emergency medical transport (NEMT) providers. Collaborating with NEMT services significantly enhances post-discharge outcomes, ensuring patients receive the care and support they need beyond hospitalization.

The Importance of Post-Discharge Care

Patients who have undergone medical procedures or are recovering from illnesses may not be fit to drive themselves home. Experienced NEMT providers offer hospital discharge planning services that involve trained professionals, including experienced nurses, who are familiar with handling patients requiring special assistance or medical monitoring during transportation, ensuring their safety throughout the journey.

It’s an important issue because patients often face various challenges upon discharge, including transportation barriers. These challenges can lead to medication non-adherence and ultimately, hospital readmissions. Nearly 20% of Medicare patients are readmitted within 30 days of discharge, costing billions annually, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Effective post-discharge care is essential not only for improving patient well-being but also for reducing healthcare costs and alleviating the burden on healthcare systems.

The Role of NEMT Providers in Hospital Discharging Plan

NEMT providers play a crucial role in addressing transportation barriers, and ensuring patients return home safely and have access to essential healthcare services post-discharge. These providers offer specialized transportation services for individuals who are unable to use conventional means of transportation due to medical conditions or disabilities.

By collaborating with hospitals and healthcare facilities, NEMT providers can bridge the gap between healthcare services and patients’ homes. For example, Flying Angels coordinates hospital discharge transportation for transferring patients from their homes or to another care facility.

In situations where flying is involved, hiring a non-emergency medical transport service is often the right move. They provide a service that includes making all travel arrangements, including ground transportation, navigating the airport, and flight reservations.

The Benefits of Including NEMT in a Hospital Discharge Plan

Building a strong relationship with NEMT providers can yield significant benefits for both patients and healthcare institutions. Reliable transportation ensures patients travel safely, and in a much less-stressful way, back home. Timely pick-up and drop-off, coupled with a comfortable ride experience, contribute to a positive patient experience.

Improved adherence to treatment plans and follow-up appointments can also lead to lower overall healthcare costs. Effective communication in healthcare also ensures smoother transitions between healthcare settings and improves care continuity.

Including NEMT in a hospital discharge plan also provides clear communication and standardized processes that minimize scheduling errors and delays.

The Future of Hospital Discharge Planning

An increasing number of healthcare providers are including NEMT services as part of their hospital discharge plan. Some are exploring strategic partnerships with NEMT companies to provide patient transportation home from the hospital, including addressing the needs of specific patient populations with complex needs.

Collaboration between healthcare providers and NEMT services is essential to ensure seamless transitions and improve post-discharge outcomes. By prioritizing patient-centered care and leveraging the expertise of NEMT providers, healthcare organizations can enhance the quality of care delivery and ultimately improve the health and well-being of their patients.

Hiring a Medical Escort: Essential Questions and Guidance

Hiring a Medical Escort: Essential Questions and Guidance

hiring a medical escort

Healthcare options are expanding and the need for specialized services is on the rise. One area that continues to gain popularity is hiring a medical escort to accompany patients on commercial flights. Whether it’s traveling with an elderly family member who is relocating or ensuring a safe journey for a patient with special medical needs, medical escorts play a crucial role in providing personalized assistance. 

If you’re considering hiring a medical escort, it’s essential to ask the right questions. Here are some top questions to help ensure you make the most of the benefits of a medical escort.

Qualifications and Training

Start by understanding the medical escort’s qualifications and training. Quality non-emergency medical transport companies (NEMT) will have high standards for their nurses to become a medical escort. Ask about their medical background, certifications and any specialized training they have undergone. A reputable medical escort should have relevant healthcare experience, CPR certification and knowledge of handling different medical conditions while in the air.

Experience with Specific Medical Conditions

Inquire about the medical escort’s experience with specific medical conditions relevant to your loved one. Whether it’s mobility issues, chronic illnesses, or post-surgery care, ensuring that the escort is familiar with the particular needs of the patient is crucial for a smooth and safe experience.

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Effective communication is crucial in healthcare. Observe how the medical escort conveys information, ensuring they communicate clearly and attentively listen to your needs. Their ability to provide emotional support and establish a rapport is a testament to their interpersonal skills, essential for a comforting and secure experience.

Availability and Flexibility

Understand the medical escort’s availability and flexibility. Determine whether they can accommodate the schedule of doctor’s appointments, treatments or any other medical requirements your loved one may have. Flexibility is essential, especially when dealing with unpredictable healthcare situations.

Transportation and Mobility Assistance

Ensure comprehensive support for your loved one by discussing their specific mobility needs. A key aspect to consider is the capability of the medical escort, especially an RN Flight Coordinator, to manage all aspects of your journey. This includes not just personal assistance but also coordinating with airlines and airports for seamless travel arrangements. For a complete travel solution that covers every detail, learn more about how an RN Flight Coordinator can completely manage your trip, ensuring a stress-free experience for both the patient and their family.

Emergency Protocols

Emergencies can happen, and it’s crucial to know how the medical escort manages them. Ask about their emergency protocols, including how they would respond to a medical crisis, contact emergency services and communicate with family members. Knowing that the escort is prepared for any situation adds an extra layer of security.

References and Reviews

Request references from previous clients or check for online reviews. Hearing about the experiences of others who have used the services of the medical escort can provide valuable insights into their professionalism, reliability, and overall performance. Here’s an example of what an online reputation should look like for an industry-leading medical escort service.

Costs and Payment Terms

Discuss the costs associated with hiring a medical escort and inquire about the payment terms. Understanding the financial aspect in detail will help you plan accordingly and avoid any misunderstandings.

Contract and Terms of Service

Before finalizing the arrangement, ensure that all terms of service are clearly outlined in a written contract. This should include details about responsibilities, expectations, fees and any other relevant information. Having a formal agreement in place protects both parties and ensures a transparent working relationship.

Hiring a medical escort involves careful consideration and thorough questioning. By addressing these key areas and asking the right questions, you can make an informed decision that prioritizes the well-being and safety of your loved one.