In the world of elderly healthcare services, Aging Life Care is considered the gold standard in offering a holistic, client-centered approach to providing seniors optimal care. The Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) provides its members professional guidance, including a Code Ethics that sets the standard for the industry.

The ALCA accepts members who pass stringent guidelines. They also accept other companies as partners who meet high standards for delivery of medical care to the elderly and others with healthcare needs. Flying Angels has been an ALCA Bronze Partner since January 2019.
“The ALCA is an organization we are proud to be partners with, because they not only establish high standards for patient care, but also help members attain those standards by providing support and guidance,” said Bob Bacheler, Managing Director of Flying Angels. “Their commitment to providing the best quality care for seniors is something we at Flying Angels respect, because we make the same commitment to our clients.”
How Aging Life Care Works
The ALCA uses the Aging Life Care approach to work with families, helping them make the best decisions about healthcare for their elderly loved ones. Beyond making those choices, Aging Life Care also seeks to relieve the stress felt by family members by providing them timely, knowledgeable advice.
The ALCA accomplishes these goals by assessing the healthcare situation, monitoring it for changes, and planning and problem-solving with family members. They also support education and coaching for caregivers and advocate for patients with clinicians.
Professionals who become ALCA members typically have expertise in eight knowledge areas, all of which the association can draw on when advising families.
- Health and disability
- Financial services
- Housing
- Family support
- Resource experts
- Advocacy
- Legal services
- Crisis intervention
Flying Angels is an ALCA Bronze Partner
As an ALCA Bronze Partner, Flying Angels has met a stringent set of education, certification and experience requirements. Partners and ALCA members also adhere to a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. That code covers many important issues involved with Aging Life Care, including the following.
Accountability to clients. All ALCA members recognize our diverse society and embrace a multicultural approach to support the worth, dignity, potential and uniqueness of each client.
Accountability to the public. The Code of Ethics sets a national standard for practice of Aging Life Care™and defines the ethical responsibilities expected of ALCA members and partners.
Education of aging life care professionals. The Code of Ethics provides a guide to ALCA members, stating the core values and principles and setting the standard for aging life care professionals.
A framework for analyzing and resolving ethical dilemmas. The Code of Conduct provides professionals a framework for resolving ethical dilemmas that arise during the course of their work. As a Bronze Partner, Flying Angels meets all these standards. The company’s partner status with the ALCA stands as a symbol of Flying Angel’s commitment to providing clients the highest quality care possible for their travel needs.